Traveling during COVID 19. Safety of travelling during Coronavirus pandemic. Travel tips for COVID.

With Thanksgiving right around the corner and Christmas just about a month or two away, many of my diabetic patients ask whether traveling during Covid 19 is safe or not. Traveling during COVID can be risky. We will talk about coronavirus traveling tips for safety during this COVID 19 pandemic.
Do you plan to gather for the holidays? If so you are in the right place. We will talk about travel and
celebrations during the COVID pandemic.
As you know, diabetes and other chronic diseases are significant risk factors increasing the risk of death from COVID. You may not be a high-risk individual, but if you do not take the necessary
measures you may cause someone else’s death. If that person is
someone in your family, that is even more tragic.

What is your local community levels of COVID-19? Do you
know? It’s important to know the levels of COVID-19 cases in the gathering location. You can find up to date information on sites from the local county health department websites.

Why? Because where your friends and family are coming from can determine the risk of infection and spread. So, you should consider the number of COVID-19 cases in your community and
in the community where you plan to celebrate the thanksgiving or
Indoor or Outdoor?
Indoor gatherings pose more of a risk than outdoor gatherings. Is that true? Really?

Does that mean outdoor gathering poses no risk? Remember
the recent White House gathering that was outdoors? Even
with it being outdoors, COVID spread like butter on toast. So
yes outdoor is better but not totally safe. Get it?

Number of people together matters. More people equal
greater risk. The CDC currently doesn’t have a specific
number recommended for gatherings. But common sense
says if you do get together, limit the total number of people.

What have family and friends done recently?
Here are the questions to ask
1. Did someone you will meet attend a recent gathering?
2. Did that someone do any recent traveling?
3. Did he/she have contact with large groups of people?
4. We all have that one friend or family member who
seems to be the extrovert, social butterfly type. Declare
a no butterfly zone!

Behavior during the gathering. The attitude!

o Wearing a mask on a holiday isn’t ideal, actually, it
o Try an “Ugly Mask” contest this year instead of the
“Ugly Sweater”.
o Distancing with family members could seem offensive
or strange but we are living in a strange time right now. Remember to have hand sanitizers around and wash hands frequently. The family acquired COVID is still COVID.

Who shouldn’t be attending in person holiday gatherings?

This is a no-brainer…people with COVID, recently had COVID or have been exposed to COVID. People who may have symptoms of COVID. People who have a higher risk of severe illness from
COVID. This includes people with a weakened immune system or chronic disease.