Was the covid19 pandemic preplanned by illuminati families?

In 2010 the Rockerfeller foundation release a paper describing a pandemic scenario and a world of tighter top-down government control.

In october 2019, 5 months before covid was declared a global pandemic, John Hopkins (funded by the rockerfeller foundation) in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation (same bloodline as the rockerfeller’s) hosted event 201. A simulation of a global corona virus pandemic.

In 2015 Bill Gates did a TED talk stated the next global crisis will be a pandemic.

In 2017 Anthony Fauci said there is no doubt the next administration will experience a surprise viral infection outbreak.

Now 2020 the World Health Organisation (funded by Bill and Melinda Gates foundation) declared a global pandemic. Dictating regulations to nations across the world of how to deal with the health crisis.

With regulations like quarantine, face masks and social distancing that have very grey scientific evidence of effectively improving the health and immune system of the population. All the while ignoring basic principles of health.

Business shut down, hospital treatments got postponed, economic turmoil…

Was all this apart of a preplanned agenda by illuminati families?