Vitamin D is called sunshine Vitamin as it supposed to get synthesised in body by sunlight exposure but as there are specific timings, specific duration of exposure and specific % of body surface to be exposed to Sun. Dietary sources are very limited can only provide 25% of body’s actual daily needs. So supplements becomes in major sources. But it can lead to hypervitaminosis D ill advised or improper prescriptions or most commonly because of COVID-19 fear may continue endlessly. Hypervitaminosis D can be a symptomatic or because of Hypercalcemia can lead to Cardiac arrhythmia or Renal Calcinosi, even can have Psychiatric symptoms too. And may have tachycardia, hypertension, and signs of Hypovolemia.
So it is needed to check after 4-6 months to taking supplements wether we need to continue taking or not.
This video has been created for public awareness purpose.