Dr. Ron Fletcher Presents his Research Paper on Vitamin D can Save lives

Vitamin D can save lives.
Well documented data has revealed a much higher mortality rate in the elderly and people with pre-existing chronic diseases like Diabetes.

Constantly increasing information from scientific research reveals Vitamin D deficiencies are implicated in higher morbidity and mortality in Covid-19 patients.

People of color (African-Americans and Latinos) have been especially hard hit. These groups are known to have a higher incidence of Vitamin D deficiency.

A practical, cost effective and safe measure to protect the lives of the elderly, those with chronic diseases as well as people of color is to make sure they have adequate Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D activates the body’s immune defense system.

Vitamin D (“the sunshine vitamin”) is obtained through sun exposure to the skin. Only 10-20% comes from food. The elderly who may get less sun exposure and have thin skin which causes less effective synthesis of Vitamin D and people of color who cannot absorb sunlight sufficiently due to having a darker skin pigmentation are more prone to being Vitamin D deficient. These individuals must make sure they keep adequate Vitamin D levels.

To protect yourselves make sure you are not Vitamin D deficient. Take a daily supplement of 1000-2000 International Units (IU) of Vitamin D daily to assure your immune system, which is activated by Vitamin D, is strong enough to combat Covid-19.

Vitamin D is not a cure nor a vaccine. So you should continue to practice prevention measures such as wearing a mask, social distancing, avoiding large gatherings and diligent hand washing. Vitamin D is crucially needed for your body to defend itself optimally against the virus. Dr. Ronald L. Fletcher

Former Director of the Ohio Department of Health