Expert Opinions in COVID-19 and Our Immune System Dysregulation

Mast cells are an often-forgotten part of our immune system. They are found in our guts, kidneys, lungs, brains, gums and skin and, until recently, were not even a part of medical vocabulary. However, with the onslaught of more and more chronic illness in our country for which we have no known treatment, this small cell is coming to the forefront as a mediator in chronic illness.

We are seeing mast cell dysregulation in Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia, IBS and chronic bowel disease, brain issues, foggy thinking, mood disorders and now COVID-19. The result of this expansion in
our knowledge is a wider field of therapies for patients suffering with these illnesses.

In this video, I will discuss this new frontier in medicine and how it is shaping the care of patients we are seeing in our clinic.