The Coronavirus Test May be Overly Sensitive

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We have only done one other Healthcast about the Corona Virus (Covid) , concerning protecting yourself by optimizing your immune system recorded at the beginning of the pandemic. Ever since BioBalance Health® has noted that very few of our patients have been infected, and or quarantined for a positive test without symptoms, so today we discuss the reality that research shows that the rapid tests are not reliable, yet they are used to determine if you must quarantine and put a hold on your life for up to 2 weeks even if you have no symptoms. Our concern is for our patients and their families who experience anxiety and fear due to these unreliable tests results, and for the financial burden that these false positive test results impose on hundreds and thousands of people in the US, who cannot go to work because the tests cause them to be quarantined.

The New York Times August 29,2020 caused me to be aware of the opinion of experts in the field of viral testing that states, “The standard tests (for Corona Virus) are diagnosing huge numbers of people who may carry insignificant amounts of the virus and therefore are not contagious”.

The purpose of testing asymptomatic people is to find those patients who are not yet symptomatic and infective, but who will be able to spread the virus to others within a few days.
The experts who develop the PCR Coronavirus Test have come out and revealed that we are calling people “positive” if they have so little virus that they are not really infected, and therefore cannot spread the virus. That is not the purpose of the test.

Three sets of sets of testing data compiled by Massachusetts, New York and Nevada that 90% of the people testing positive don’t carry enough virus to be infective and will not get symptoms themselves.

To understand why this is true, you must understand how viral infections infect us. When you are exposed to a virus of any kind, you have to be exposed to a sufficient amount of that virus to actually become infected. A small amount of virus will be easily killed by your immune system after it is in your bloodstream. The better your immune status the larger amount of virus that can be knocked out by your white blood cells before it actually infects your cells.
Therefore, it is not if you are exposed to the virus, but the AMOUNT of virus that you are exposed to and is circulating in your blood that determines whether you actually get sick. The higher your chance to become sick and to spread the virus to others is associated with the amount of virus in your blood.

Here is the problem with the current PCR test used to diagnose the virus: To find virus, the PCR test must magnify your concentration of virus over 40 times just to find the virus. Experts in medical testing say that multiplying the viral concentration over 35 times over diagnoses people with the virus and labels people who are not contagious or sick, as someone who needs to be quarantined away from others. The PCR test is set up to over-diagnose the Corona virus by 90%! The way the test is set up now they describe as finding a hair in a room a person has been walking through—one hair does not make you bald!

Many of you say well that’s OK, were safer…but that is not true! There is no safety conferred by quarantining healthy people and it damages the financial security of individuals, families and the nation, not to mention the fear and anxiety that causes people not to leave their homes who should be seeing the doctor about other illnesses, and the toll of overwhelming anxiety about dying and being damaged by this virus, that we have created in our population.

I am not proposing not getting tested, I am just proposing that we use a less sensitive test that actually diagnoses people who are going to be or are sick and communicable. The PCR test dilution should be changed to 30 x, and NOT 40 X. Don’t freak out if you are positive please. Please know that test may be wrong.