How to Avoid CoVid-19 | What to Do to Protect Yourself From the Virus

How to avoid CoViD-19 in this time of pandemic

We identify here ten things we constantly need to remind ourselves of during this time of pandemic to keep us safe and away from the deadly infection caused by the SARS COV 2 virus.

In summary, the ten points discussed in this videa are:

1.) Stay Home

If you really need to go outside:
02.) Boost Your Health
03.) Wear a Mask
04.) Wear a Face-shield
05.) Avoid Confined Spaces
06.) Always Keep Your Distance
07.) Move About
08.) Avoid Public Toilets

The last two are about going the extra mile to really really make sure, you don’t catch the leathal virus.
09.) Treat Everything as Contaminated
10.) Treat Everyone as a Carrier


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