Best Organic Farm Fresh Food | Nutrition | Farm Fresh To You

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Organic Farm Fresh Food | Nutrition | Farm Fresh To You
Hi, my Beautiful people!
I’m going to answer a…there’s a broccolini in my hand, hold on, not yet time for that
So, the big question of the day
How can I get the Best food? The Best High-Quality Food?
And it’s confusing because there’s so much controversial information out there
What’s good to eat?
What’s not good to eat?
My friend, I have the perfect Solution for you today. The Highest Quality Food…delivered straight to your door to Save you Time, Save you Money and Save your Health.
Before we get to the solution, I want to address something, because I’m always asked.
Should I eat organic all the time?
The answer is YES
And your next question is like….”Veronica you out of your mind, we don’t all have a certain budget and it’s expensive to eat Organic Food”
Yes, and No
Is organic food expensive?
Yes, if you compare it to all the other stuff in the store, it’s a little bit more, but if you consider the amount of Pesticides, Herbicides, Hormones and all the crazy stuff that you’re putting your body with every bite that is leading to absolutely every disease out there…
What price would you pay for that food?
I don’t know about you, but I’d pay anything, and my favorite line is…I’ve heard this from somewhere, now I want to credit the person, I just don’t remember where I heard that line.
“If you’re eating food made by people in a White Coats, you are going to see people in White Coats”…and I will let this sink in with you a little bit because you want to eat food in its most Natural, Raw, Fresh, Juicy form as it comes from Earth, right?
We’re one with Nature
Sun…Air…Minerals, all the Enzymes, all the Vitamins
Like, you don’t want something that is made in a laboratory. Just because they add those extra vitamin C and vitamin D and all that stuff, your body can’t really absorb that, or process it.
When you extract something from the holistic form of the food, your body can barely absorb that, plus you’re talking about fillings and other stuff that I’m not going to get into in this video.
So…..are you ready for the Solution?
Hold up, got my whole box here
So, check out this box.
You see how big this is?
This particular one is from Farm Fresh To You
Now, why am I showing you this box?
So, there’s a group of Beautiful people that came up with this Amazing idea
to create a network for all the Farms around your area. The organization is called CSA and it stands for Community Supported Agriculture.
Now….What does that mean?
Not only are you getting the Best Organic Food, but you’re getting organic foods within your area.
So, here is the thing that maybe you knew, maybe you didn’t about food.
Let’s say for example an apple. The moment you take the Apple from the tree, it starts losing Nutrients. The longer that Apple is on the Shelf, it loses more nutrients…

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