Natural and Powerful Immune Boosters with Leigh Erin Connealy, MD & Bita Badakhshan, MD

Learn about multiple ways to naturally boost and strengthen your immune system.

Here are some Vitamin C supplement recommendations:

1) Vital C – Camu Camu’s Vital C is Vitamin C powder sourced from the Camu Camu plant and D-Ribose, combined to make the perfect immune building powder. D-Ribose enhances the absorption and availability of Vitamin C. It’s in powder form.

2) Camu Camu’s Vitamin C – Camu Camu’s Vitamin C is pure Vitamin C sourced from the Camu Camu plant. It’s in capsule form.

3) Power Immune – Power Immune is a blend of Echinacea, Agaricus Blazei, Elderberry, and Berberine.

The Center For New Medicine focuses on prevention and internal medicine along with yearly physicals, autoimmune disease, natural hormone replacement, and chronic health issues.

The unified approach that all our Practitioners stand by, is that the patient as a whole must be treated, rather than simply treating the disease that the patient has. It is also our mission to determine the origin of each illness.

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