COVID-19 Why it Matters Series, Part 1: What are viruses and where did it come from?

This video series features UW-Green Bay’s Immunologist Brian Merkel on COVID-19 and Why it Matters. This series empowers viewers with knowledge to help them navigate through the pandemic. Merkel has a Ph.D. in Microbiology & Immunology from the Medical College of Virginia. He is an associate professor in UW-Green Bay’s Human Biology & Biology programs and has an appointment at the Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Microbiology and Immunology. He will be responding to a number of questions related to COVID19, and try to get behind the “why” it’s important to be educated in your decision-making as we navigate the pandemic together.
COVID-19 Why it Matters Video Series:
Part 1: What are viruses and where did this one come from
Part 2: Two main types of viruses