COVID19 UPDATE JUNE: New symptoms and oxygen saturation levels with when to test ? Dr Santhosh J

Tomorrow marks six months since WHO received the first reports of a cluster of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in China.

The six-month anniversary of the outbreak coincides with reaching 10 million cases and 500,000 deaths.

This is a moment for all of us to reflect on the progress we have made and the lessons we have learned, and to recommit ourselves to doing everything we can to save lives.

Six months ago, none of us could have imagined how our world – and our lives – would be thrown into turmoil by this new virus.

The pandemic has brought out the best and the worst of humanity.

All over the world we have seen heartwarming acts of resilience, inventiveness, solidarity and kindness.

But we have also seen concerning signs of stigma, misinformation and the politicization of the pandemic.

For the past six months, WHO and our partners have worked relentlessly to support all countries to prepare for and respond to this new virus.
Who chief