Supplemental Coronavirus Prevention and Healing Strategies #2 – Vitamin D

πŸ’‘ If you want to learn more, go to this link

βœ… Summary:

Vitamin D is one of the simplest and most affordable remedies available to mankind. It’s extremely powerful, therapeutic and can be effective in mitigating the risk of sickness and death. What is the recommended dose given the coronavirus situation? Should you take it if you have coronavirus symptoms? What does vitamin D do to your immune system? In this video series we explain supplemental strategies and an action plan to deal with the coronavirus for people with diabetes or other high risk conditions.

πŸ‘β€πŸ—¨ Time Codes and Key Points:

The value of testing your vitamin D – Minute 00:12
What is vitamin D good for? – Minute 00:57
Recommended vitamin D dosage – Minute 01:30

πŸ‘ This article and video is part of our E4 Diabetes Solutions Coronavirus Health Tips and at-home Strategies and Information for People over 65, with Diabetes, prediabetes, metabolic challenges, or other underlying medical conditions.