The real deal on how to survive coronavirus / COVID-19. The secret to surviving corona, relies on your immune system being as strong as possible. You have to boost your immune system so that it primed and ready to do what it’s supposed to do, which is to protect you. What type of survival package would we as physicians send our families to protect them from coronavirus? What supplements or herbs would we send? What does the science say about how to beat coronavirus?
Doctor Rachael Ross, M.D.,PhD practices functional medicine, Doctor Edison De Mello M.D. practices integrative medicine, and they are colleagues at The Akasha Center For Integrative Medicine in Santa Monica, CA. The discussion today centers around the opportunity you now have to boost your immune system and keep your family as protected as possible.
We want you to know the ways you can help yourself if you think you have coronavirus or are diagnosed with it. How are we treating our patients?
Coronavirus does not have to be a death wish. 95% of the people recover from COVID-19. We give you the outline on how to increase your odds of survival.
To get a copy of the cheat sheet of all the supplements that we talked about, email us at
If you would like to shop our family of supplements, head over to Drop comments below on any questions you have and we will answer them for you next week.