Leg day with free weights and bands Ep. 20 |96 hour fasted – Short and Sweet

Leg Day Ladder 1:
1. Basic Squats x 15
2. Single leg hip bridge to sit up x 10dc
3. Single leg deadlift x 10/10
4. Step over high knee march x 10DC

Leg Day Ladder 2:
1. Jumpover Deadlifts x 10
2. Front Loaded Squats x 15
3. Banded Squat Jacks x 15
4. Banded Lateral Shuffles (4/4) x 2

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Learn how to use dumbbells for kettlebell exercises on this special leg workout:
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Tone your Thighs with these Leg Day Workouts included in my channel:
Ep. 19 | Lunge overload:
Ep. 18 | Cutting and endurance:
Ep. 17 | Grow and Build:
Ep. 16 | Power Plyometrics:
Ep. 15 | Basics for Hypertrophy:
Ep. 14 | Booty Pump:
Can you do kettlebell workouts with dumbbells?