5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Immune System

5 Natural Ways to support your immune system.
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Dr. Sarah Bennett, Co-Founder & Lead Practitioner​ of Natural Med Doc, explains what 5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Immune System and how it impacts your life.

➡️ Zinc
Research has shown that zinc significantly inhibits viral yield and penetration of the cell wall. It is believed that zinc decreases viral binding to the cell wall.

➡️ Vitamin C
Insufficient vitamin C levels make you more susceptible to contracting infections, both bacterial and viral. It has been shown that ingesting 200mg/ day or more significantly decreases susceptibility, and severity and symptoms of viral infections, such as the common cold.

Due to an increased metabolic need for vitamin C during times of infection, higher doses of 1 or more grams per day are required to improve the duration and severity of illness.

➡️ Vitamin A
Vitamin A deficiency is associated with impaired intestinal immune function, and mortality related to GI and respiratory infections.

In addition to strong antioxidant effects, Vitamin A improves lymphocyte migration to areas of infection and improves IgA productions in the gut.

➡️ Vitamin D
Insufficient levels of vitamin D are associated with increased susceptibility to infections.

Research has shown that a therapeutic dose of Vitamin D decreased the incidence of flu infection by 42%.

Vitamin D has been shown to regulate T and B cell production, a decrease proinflammatory cytokines, while increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines.

➡️ Vitamin D Video

➡️ Probiotics
Our Guts house an intricate immune system that is important for protection against developing infections.

Research has shown that certain strains of lactobacillus (commonly found in probiotics) reduce the risk of acquiring viral infections such as the common cold.

Another study reports that Lactobacillus supplements have antiviral properties and alleviates symptoms caused by viral infections such as influenza.

Saccharomyces Boullardi increases the production of IgA


🔹 Check out Dr. Benntte’s full comprehensive article on Cortisol, that shares an additional nine strategies that were not discussed in the video: Article coming soon!

🔹 Ready to live your best life? Schedule your FREE consultation today!

🔹 Supplements Recommended in Video. Welcome, Link to recommended Immune boosting supplement that she frequently uses to see improvements of the immune system.

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