Cytokine Biomarkers of Inflammatory Response in COVID-19 Patients

Novel COVID-19 Immunodiagnostic Webinar Series Hosted by Sino Biological:
As COVID-19 pandemic preparedness initiatives ramp-up to address the current crisis, one area of focus has been the improvement of testing methods to re-open society. Differentiating early symptoms from other respiratory pathogens that have a similar clinical presentation, identifying those patients at risk for severe symptoms such as “cytokine storm,” and determining immunity status have been hallmarks of scientific efforts over the past several months. The Quanterix SIMOA™ platform is an ultra-sensitive immunoassay system that is typically 100-1000-fold more sensitive than most ELISA systems. This level of sensitivity offers the ability to detect and quantitate key cytokines involved early in the disease progression and provides insight like “a radar system” into “prediction” of subsequent immune complications. Here we describe efforts around frontline immunological and serologic assessments of COVID-19 patients and examples of historical approaches for the auto-immune, vaccine, and infectious disease research using SIMOA technology.