Why Zinc is Essential for COVID-19
Zinc is an incredible element that you need to take every day because your body does not store it and with the soil depleted of Zinc it is difficult to get a sufficient amount from food.
I recommend 25 mg of liquid Zinc daily. Liquid Zinc is easier for your body to absorb.
Zinc inhibits RNA virus replication. COVID-19 is a RNA Virus.
Zinc assist in your bodies innate immune and adaptive immune response. This key element allows defense and attack of RNA and retroviruses which may adapt and evolve quickly.
The only defense against COVID-19, current and future viruses is a properly functioning body with an internal innate viral fighting function.
Link for Promise of Zinc in Prevention and Treatment Of COVID-19
Link for Health Facts About Zinc
For more information log on to : www.drjhartley.com
Hartley Chiropractic and Scoliosis Center
1740 Tree Blvd #115
St. Augustine, FL 32084
Disclaimer: Zinc has not been shown to prevent or heal the body of COVID-19. Consult your physican prior to starting any new vitamin or mineral supplements.