Daily Health & Wellness Tip – Fresh Air and Nature

Hi, everyone! Today’s Health & Wellness tip is all about getting outside.

So, the government is telling us to stay home. Ok, fine. But we don’t have to stay locked up in our homes! In fact, we’re more likely to get sick or stay sick longer if we’re indoors for long periods of time.

We need sunlight and fresh air to thrive. I know this might not be available to everyone, but we need to try our best. If you have to, open the windows, get an air purifier, or better yet, go for a walk outside your home and sit in the sun for 15 minutes to soak up some vitamin D.

Now, pay attention here! While it is well known that vitamin D plays a crucial role in overall bone health, studies suggest that vitamin D might also play an important role in protecting against respiratory infections like colds and the flu. And it does this through its effects on lung development and structure, respiratory muscle contractile strength, inflammation, and immune response to respiratory pathogens. This vitamin is essential to our well-being, especially during times like this, and being out in the sun is the best way to get it.

One more thing. If you’re blessed enough to have trees nearby, go sit under one. We know that trees release essential oils, which are originally produced by the plants for their own protection but benefit us as well. These essential oils are known to be antimicrobial, mood- and immune-boosting, and stress-reducing. No wonder why we feel so good after being outdoors!

Of course, if you have been exposed to COVID-19 or suspect that someone else has been exposed, avoid close contact.

Now get outside, soak it up, and breathe it in!!

Thanks for watching everyone! See you tomorrow!
