Electrical Nutrition – Pharmacist Ben Fuchs – Moment of Truth

Everything exists by virtue of the fundamental forces of electricity. That includes our bodies. So it should come as no surprise, that nutrition is electrical as well. What we eat is processed by the digestive system and broken down into smaller molecules, the components of the protein, carbs and fats that we’ve ingested.

Ultimately, these protein, fat and carb components can be turned into glucose, which contains lots of little pieces of electricity called electrons. The glucose electrons are complex with oxygen and processed by tiny cell structures called mitochondria, which turn this electrical complex into energy. Because of the many working parts involved in the transformation of foods into electricity, it’s important that we provide the body with all of the raw materials it needs to keep the process moving along.

The most important sources of these raw materials are electrically dense foods. Vegetables and fruits are great sources of electricity, seaweed and algae as well. Overcooked foods have reduced electrical value, likewise processed foods. There are important supplements that can be used that can improve the electrical properties of the cell and of the body. These include the B vitamins, vitamin C, Coenzyme Q10 and, most importantly, the essential fatty acids, which are such powerhouses of electricity that they exist within what is called an electron cloud. Because this electron cloud is so easily dispersed, it’s important to never apply heat to essential fatty acids and unless they’re encapsulated always store them in a cold place.

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