Stay Safe and Sound During Coronavirus Pandemic: What Sabotages Your Immune System?

What Sabotages Your Immune System?
1. the inability to forgive leads to chronic stress and anxiety disorders
2. high blood sugar diet
3. binge eating
4. burn the midnight oil
5. chronic depression & negative emotions

High blood sugar levels proved to sabotage the immune system. Habitual binge eating, chronic stress, unhealed trauma are common risk factors of high blood sugar levels. Altogether, negative emotions roots in the inability to forgive. Do not record the faults of others. The Bible says, “God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). Thus, “Keep no record of wrongs” and “leave room for God’s wrath” (1 Peter 4:8, Romans 12:18-19). God will do the justice in due course in His way (Psalm 5:3, Matthew 12:36). Believe in God’s justice and God’s arrangement.

A person’s life can be in danger when excessive sugar stays in the bloodstream in the long term. When glucose from the blood cannot enter the cells due to either lack of insulin or insulin resistance, your body cannot convert the food you eat into energy and blood glucose levels will remain abnormally high. Meanwhile, insufficient energy causes persistent hunger and chronic fatigue.

As elaborated in the Bible, “Those who have knowledge” are obligated to share because “people perish for lack of knowledge” (Proverbs 24:5, Hosea 4:6). As to the coronavirus pandemic, asymptomatic infected cases are innumerable and asymptomatic infected persons account for around 25% among infected cases. Further, COVID-19 remains to be infectious two days earlier before the infected persons show any symptoms.

If an infected person has strong immunity, the symptoms might be mild or unnoticeable but the virus remains to be contagious. Also, COVID-19 proved to have a long incubation period. Most people stop wearing masks after they arrive home or dormitory. You never know whether any of your family members or roommates get infected or not, including yourself. I would say, the only antidote is to boost the immunity of individuals on a global scale.

The following are the key tips to save yourself from the attack off coronavirus
#1. Minimize sugar intake.
A high sugar diet proved to sabotage our immune system. Do not underestimate the sugar content in canned food, bread, dressings and excessive fruit intake.

#2. Take good control of your blood sugar levels.
High blood sugar levels guarantee a dysfunctional immune system. Both positive and negative emotions highly affect blood sugar levels. Chronic stress and suppressed anger, namely the inability to forgive, proved to increase our blood sugar levels and gratitude proved to lower our stress levels.

Producer: Margaret W. Lavigne/ Wise Library 1985
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