Kirundi: Information from the City of Burlington and the City of Winooski re Covid19

The coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is a new infectious disease that was first identified in the world at the end of January. It spreads through close person-to-person contact. Its impact ranges from mild cold symptoms to severe illness and death.

· The most common emergency symptoms include: Fever, cough, and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. If you are experiencing these symptoms, please call your health care provider.

· To protect yourself and others, wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your face, and clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are frequently touched.

· Social distancing means people must keep 6 feet apart from each other to lower the risk of getting infected with the Coronavirus or COVID-19.

· In order to slow the spread of the virus, the State of Vermont, the City of Burlington and the City of Winooski have implemented new measures to create more physical distance between people. These measures include:

o Schools and City buildings are closed to the public. The City of Burlington will still be providing services, including the essential services of clean and safe drinking water, wastewater, electricity, recycling pickup, emergency response service and more. The City of Winooski is still providing essential public safety and municipal infrastructure services.

o You cannot visit elderly or psychiatric care facilities, except to visit residents who are receiving end-of-life care.

o Bars and restaurants are closed for in-person dining and drinking, though restaurants can still offer takeout and delivery.

o The Governor issued a Stay Home, Stay Safe Order that took effect on March 25th and directed the closure of in person operations for all non-essential businesses.

o Governor Scott’s orders emphasize and continues to urge the practice of social distancing at all times to slow the spread of the virus.

· To stay up to date, visit the following websites. If you are looking for relief support due to the Coronavirus please contact the City of Burlington Response and Relief Center.

· State/Official:
· City of Burlington or call 802-755-7239
· City of Winooski:
· Winooski School District: