COVID-19 Protection From the INSIDE OUT-Improving Your Odds of Survival

Over and over again I hear things like, ” if we all do the little things we will be closer to over coming the COVID-19 pandemic”. But, these little things seem to all be focused on an OUTSIDE IN perspective.

The OUTSIDE IN perspective is focused on limiting the body from exposure to the virus or killing the virus. Our office has taken the ” St. John’s County Pledge”. The “Pledge” includes: disinfecting the office, limiting the number of people in our office, practicing social distancing in the office and having the staff and patients use face mask.

99% of the USA is only focused on this OUTSIDE IN type of prevention.

Years ago I read a book called ” The Coming Plaque ” and am now reading it again. There are many lessons learned in this book we can use today. The book reviews the modern history of battling viruses around the globe. And the fact with international travel these viruses can travel quickly and evolve rapidly. The the number of these viruses will and has increased of time.

What is INSIDE OUT prevention? The body has an in born onboard guidance system which adapts to the environment and resist DIS-EASE. This in born intelligence is called INNATE. By feeding and releasing this INNATE intelligence or removing interference to it INSIDE OUT health is promoted. Our only hope to survive the increasing number, adaptability and strength of these viruses is to promote INSIDE OUT health.

Scientist studying survivors verse deaths related to the COVID-19 virus have found some interesting facts. Those deficient in Vitamin D have an increase death rate. Yet when we here the media and politicians discuss ” the little things we need to do ” very rarely if at all is promoting Vitamin D or checking Vitamin D levels ever mentioned .

Here are a few “little things ” you can do to improve INSIDE OUT health:

Take Liquid Vitamin D daily
Take Liposomal Vitamin C daily
Get 30 minutes of direct sunlight twice daily-(Decrease death rate during 1918 Flu)
Get 30 minutes of intense deep breathing exercise in fresh air daily
Eat fresh raw organic produce three times daily as a meal and as small snacks between meals
Avoid processed sugar which suppresses the immune system
Avoid white flour which causes allergy and mucus response in the lungs
Avoid dairy products which cause allergy and mucus responses in the lungs
Get plenty of sleep, ideally 8-12 hours per day in complete darkness and silence
Pray, meditate and read positive affirmations three times daily
Get Specific Chiropractic Adjustments Regularly to remove Nerve Interference and Promote Health

Learn more about INSIDE OUT Healing at

Hartley Chiropractic and Scoliosis Center
1740 Tree Blvd #115
St. Augustine, FL 32084