The Most Effective Foods to Cleanse your Lungs


There are a multitude of reasons why people try to maintain a healthy diet. People watch what they eat to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight. Some are concerned about their cardiovascular health and the ever-growing risks of heart disease, while others eat well because of their skin, hair, and nails. Another subset of the population may include a group who looks at the cognitive benefits of a healthy diet. Strangely enough, one major area of our health doesn’t get much dietary attention—the respiratory system. Although healthy lungs are essential to a good quality of life, there has been little research on how or how much our diet impacts the health of the respiratory system. Obviously, poor habits like smoking cigarettes or cigars have a negative impact on our lungs, and environmental factors also play a significant role. However, removing the question of carcinogens that are inhaled for any reason, it makes perfect sense that the foods we eat affect our lungs in a similar fashion as other organs. With that in mind, consider these five foods that are potentially beneficial to your respiratory health. Citrus Fruits It’s been shown that high vitamin C content reduces numerous health issues. Lung cancer is among these issues reduced by oranges, lemons, and tangerines, to name a few. Simply put, the more vitamin C you consume through citrus fruits, the healthier your lungs will be, and the less time it will take to recover from respiratory illnesses. Foods High in Beta Carotene Most people associate beta carotene with carrots and improved eye sight. Yet, this pigment that gives many foods their orange color is found in a multitude of plants, vegetables, and fruits. It’s transformed into vitamin A, which has been shown to reduce damage to the lungs by such diseases as COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). In order to improve the health of your lungs, eat a diet rich in sweet potatoes, apricots, red bell peppers, and pumpkin. Green Leafy Vegetables Moving down the list from vitamin A to vitamin B, we discover that this second vitamin group also is important for the respiratory system. That’s because it contains folate, a powerful weapon in the battle against respiratory issues like bronchitis and asthma. That’s why green leafy veggies like mustard greens, collard greens, spinach and kale, that are high in folate, are recommended for healthy lungs. Dark Chocolate Yes! There is a food that’s both good for your lungs and good for those who loves sweets. Dark chocolate, rather than milk chocolate, is high in antioxidants—substances that delay or prevent cell damage. It’s that kind of oxidation that leads to many lung-related illnesses, including lung cancer. Blueberries, blackberries and cranberries are also high in antioxidants and appear to be very beneficial to healthy lungs.

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