How much Vitamin D Should I Take? Are you Vitamin D Deficient? Sun Exposure for Vitamin D

Vitamin D Deficient or wanting to get Vitamin D naturally? Here’s a quick guide on sun exposure and Vitamin D supplements. Plus a tip every pregnant woman should know about Vitamin D. Comment below and thanks for sharing our channel!

Time your sun exposure for natural Vitamin D absorption with an app I found showcased on Youtube at

Vitamin D Facts:
For detailed reports visit They actually list major cities and how much exposure you need in each location.

The Vitamin D Council recommends adults take 5,000IU of Vitamin D daily and children take 1,000IU if sun exposure is minimal (dark locations, winter etc.). The FDA recommends less. Ask your doctor before adding any supplement as some supplements conflict with medications.

About Healthy Hot Air:
Camden Smith, host of Healthy Hot Air, brings fitness reviews, cardio workouts, fat burning tips, supplements and vitamin information as well as healthy cooking tips so you can live the healthiest life possible. This health and fitness channel delivers a smile with every episode.

We cover: fat burning cardio, fat burning yoga, fitness tips and reviews of other workouts, reviews of cosmetic procedures including Cool Sculpting, laser lipo, dermal fillers and Botox. We also cover healthy living tips such as toxin free, organic, green products. Find everything here for the best healthy life.

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