Youtube Fitness Is Dead – These Guys Are Killing The Fitness Industry – Toxic Fitness

Thanks to influencers and aesthetics, Youtube Fitness Is Dead. In this rant, I pin down the guys who are killing the fitness industry and turning it into a toxic industry.


This will arguably be one of my most controversial fitness videos I’ve uploaded and may pee a lot of people off.

Before I go on. I have nothing against bodybuilders, people who use performance enhancing drugs or sexy fitness models who like to parade in their skimpies.

Some of my friends and people I respect are bodybuilders who take PEDS although I do probably wish I had more female fitness model friends who like to walk around semi nude with their butts out.. but my wife probably woudln’t really be supportive of that lifestyle choice!


Let’s be honest, The fitness industry is dominated by aesthetics. You only have to look in fitness magazines or go to fitness expos like Bodypower to see that the main staple of the industry is big muscular dudes and cute sexy women.

But fitness is far beyond that. One of the reasons I feel the fitness industry sucks is because it’s sold it’s soul to the devil. No longer is it about actual health and fitness than what sells products, magazines and gets likes on social media such as instagram.

And we all know, sex sells in marketing, especially in fitness marketing.

But I feel that fitness as a whole has been hijacked by bodybuilders and porn star wannabes…

Now as much as I respect bodybuilding, there are a small proportion of people who think that this is the be all and end all of sport and fitness (not even sure if bodybuilding is a sport or not). They body shame you for not being muscle bound and think that the only way you’re qualified to give advice on fitness and nutrition is if you have a Phd in PEDS (that’s performance enhancing drugs… yup… vitamin S.. Steroids!)

I’ll discuss why some fitness influencers are the worst, why attitudes towards fitness have made the industry toxic and downright dangerous and what I need to get off my chest.

So join me as I have a good old rant about fitness and the fitness industry!

About Me

Welcome to my channel

Hi, I’m Fahad from the UK. I am Leicester’s best Personal trainer according to Origym and I run TFF Studios here with my wife.

After going through my own transformation in my late teens, making all the mistakes and trying to learn everything I could to improve my health, fitness, physique and mindset, I am now sharing that with you!

My passion is to help people like you get in great shape and improve all aspects of your life because I know what getting fit did for me!

I am a massive science geek and for me, I don’t just share stuff because it’s trending or cool. I want to give you a fitness education so you know why you’re doing what you’re doing!

You’ll get tips on fat loss, losing belly fat, health, wellness, nutrition, supplements and mindset.

But why does the world need yet another fitness YouTuber I hear you cry…

Look, It probably doesn’t but I am fed up of all the BS out there or they pretty kids gifted with amazing genetics. Trust me, I have bad genetics when it comes to physique goals but it doesn’t stop me from working hard , learning more and helping others get in great shape!

I may not be as pretty as Chloe Ting or ripped like Jeff Caveliere but I am accessible. I will reply to all of your messages so if you want a real Nutrition Coach and Fitness Trainer to help you, leave a comment!

Welcome to the journey!

Check out Fahad on


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