Nutrition & Health Effects of Beef(Liver,Brain & Cow foot)For how long Meat Preserve?Eid-ul-Adha2020

Higher intakes of red meat have been linked with a number of health problems, including type 2 diabetes. Research is showing that food processing is a key factor involved in the increase of risk.
Red meat in a pure form is a good source of protein and B vitamins and has been a key part of the human diet.
Red meat is generally meat derived from farm reared mammals, such as:
Red meat is a popular food amongst those following a paleo diet, in which food choices are guided by judging which foods would have been available to our ancient ancestors.
Followers of a paleo diet will often try to seek food that is unprocessed and where the animals have been fed a natural diet.
The Department of Health advises people to consume 90g or less of red meat per day. A thin slice of pork, lamb or beef the size of half a slice of bread provides about 30g of meat.
Red meat is a rich source of protein, saturated fat, iron, zinc and B vitamins.
Iron is needed to help red blood cells transport oxygen. Iron deficiencies are more likely to occur in children, elderly people and pregnant women.
Iron is also available dark green leafy plants, beans and grains but is best absorbed by the body from red meat.
Zinc is required by the body for DNA synthesis and helps the immune system to function effectively.
As well being found in red meat, zinc is also found in fish, grains, eggs and beans. However, zinc is best absorbed from meat and fish sources.
Amongst the B vitamins found abundantly in red meat are vitamin B6 and vitamin12. Vitamin B6 is beneficial for the immune system and vitamin B12 beneficial for the nervous system. People taking the diabetes drug metformin have an increased risk of having lower levels of vitamin B12.
Reason 1: Red Meat May Increase Alzheimer’s Disease Risk
Scientists believe when proteins called Tau and beta-amyloid accumulate in the brain they either disrupt nerve cells or kill them — and this may be the cause of Alzheimer’s disease. A new study from UCLA, though, suggests that iron accumulation is another possible contributing factor. Using an unusual MRI technique, researchers found that iron had begun to accumulate in the brains of 31 Alzheimer’s patients. Specifically, they discovered this build-up in a part of the brain which is generally damaged in the early stages of the disease. How does this connect to red meat? Well, it’s full of iron, and a high-red meat diet can lead to iron build up.
Reason 2: Red Meat Can Cause Cardiovascular Disease
Time and again scientists have demonstrated a connection between eating large amounts of red meat and an individual’s risk for heart disease. Now, a recent study suggests this link between red meat and disease does not derive from the saturated fats and cholesterol, but the fact that your gut microbes break down a compound found in the meat known as carnitine, which in turn produces trimethylamine-N-oxide. And TMAO has been associated with atherosclerosis, the fatty build-up in your arteries which in turn may cause a heart attack.
Reason 3: Your Risk of Colon Cancer Goes Up with Your Red Meat Consumption
Quite a few studies have provided evidence of red meat potentially causing colon cancer, and a U.S. study which involved 148,610 participants between the ages of 50 and 74 showed that a high consumption of red and processed meats substantially increased the risk of colorectal cancer. Fish and fowl, though, had the opposite effect: long-term consumption of large amounts of these appeared to ward off cancer of the colon and rectum.
Harvard says so.
Reason 4: Lots of Beef Causes Type-2 Diabetes
According to recent research, red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and three extra servings of red meat every week increases the risk of developing diabetes by 50 percent. That’s a pretty disheartening statistic. And you thought it was the cake and ice cream that would get you.
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