How to build up your immune system – Webinar by Dr. Ellie Wright

The Naturopathic Physician, Educator, Medical Researcher and Presenter, Dr Ellie Wright, talks to us about efficient ways to build up a robust immune system with botanicals and nutrients to protect us against viral attacks. 😁

Innate vs adaptive defense?
A healthy immune system is made up of both innate and adaptive responses. Both of them have a built-in defense mechanism against viruses. NK (natural killer) cells are part of the innate system, and they are significant players in the recognition and elimination of viruses and bacteria. The adaptive immune system, however, is composed of specialized, systemic cells and processes that eliminate pathogens by preventing their growth.

Nutrients as support 🍇🍍🥭
Let’s start with the vitamins – Vitamin C supports both the innate and the adaptive immune system and has a pleiotropic effect on those subsystems. Vitamin D protects against respiratory viruses. Other nutrients that work well for your immune system are zinc, quercetin (a flavonoid found in gingko, onions, green tea etc.) or berberine (found in oregano or grape). Also – curcumin, saffron and resveratrol (found in berries etc.) are known to have lots of antiviral properties.
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