COVID-19/Coronavirus – Powerful & cheap way to boost immune system. Save lives. Part 1.

Coronavirus – COVID-19. Decrease the risk of getting the severe course of the disease and strengthen your immune system with this simple preventive measure.

Strict Hygiene, Washing hands, Social Distancing, Quarantine are all effective measures to slow the spread of the SARS-Coronavirus-2. But they won’t stop it in the long run.

Your own immune system is the ultimate barrier the virus will have to reach and breach. If it is healthy, that means it has the right ammunition to do it’s job, you will increase your chances of getting a mild course of the disease, or not even noticing any symptoms. Remember apx. 80% of cases are mild. Reduce the risk of developing a severe cytokine storm by applying one simple and cost-effective measure.

There is a lot of talk about vaccines in the media, but we know now that it will take considerable time (optimistic estimates: 12 months) before effective vaccines will be ready for humans.

So in the meantime we must do with what we have, which is common sense based on scientific data: there is very high quality evidence, that a simple measure – if applied regularly – will substantially boost your immune system in the fight against both viral and bacterial respiratory tract infections. That inlcudes COVID-19 caused by Coronavirus.

Eyes open. No Fear. Be safe everyone.

link to study: