T-Cells : The Vital Antibodies For Conquering COVID-19

T-Cells can remember past infections and kill pathogens if they reappear; have a big influence on how long patients remain resistant to reinfection by COVID-19.
T-Cells. also appear to affect how well vaccine work and even the level of immunity required to suppress new waves of disease.
Al Edwards, associate professor at Reading University’s school of Pharmacy, offers an analogy. “T-Cells are tasting the virus whereas the antibodies are feeling the virus” he said. “T-Cells can promote antibody responses and antibody responses can promote a T-Cell response. These two systems work together.
Even if you are left with no detectable circulating antibodies, that does not necessarily mean you have no protective immunity, because you are likely to have memory immune cells. (B & T cells)that can rapidly. kick into action to start up a new immune response if you re-encounter the virus.

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