700 Calorie MASS Gainer Protein Shake

700 calorie mass gainer protein shake

If you love Vanilla, then you will love this homemade protein shake!

Let’s face it, eating calories all day and all week long through food can get tiring. Sometimes it’s just easier to drink the calories rather then chewing them. In this video, I show you how to make a 700 calorie mass gainer protein shake/smoothie in a yummy delicious way. So instead of eating that exhausting tough steak dinner, you can just make this and drink it down in less then 2 minutes!

The ingredients used in this protein shake:

1. 250ML of Whole Milk
2. 160g of Vanilla Flavoured Greek Yogurt
3. One Banana
4. 100g of Vanilla Ice Cream
5. One TBSP of Peanut Butter

This protein shake/smoothie is made for those who are skinny and are trying bulk or gain weight.

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