Vitamin D Benefits, Levels, Dosage, Vitamin D3 Supplement & More

Discover the secrets of Vitamin D, the powerful hormone of sunlight. Vitamin D is critical for optimal health. In this video, you will learn:
* What is Vitamin D (it’s not exactly a vitamin 🙂

*What does vitamin D do

*Vitamin D benefits (decrease risk of chronic illnesses like cancer, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, cardiovascular disease and more)

* Vitamin D enhances mood especially for individuals experiencing seasonal affective disorder. Learn how vitamin D and serotonin are related

*Learn how vitamin D controls your genes and effects gene expression

*Vitamin D also protects you from the effects of stress. Learn how it has this power in the video

*Normal vitamin D levels vs. low vitamin D and vitamin D deficiency

*Vitamin D dosage recommendations

*What vitamin D supplement I use ( that costs less than a few cups of coffee. It’s a live source, beyond organic, high potency, clean vitamin D3 serum I take the vitamin D3 serum that I reveal in the video on a daily basis and you can also to gain all of Vitamin D3’s amazing health benefits!

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