7 Health and Nutrition Benefits of Potatoes

7 Health and Nutrition Benefits of Potatoes

1. Packed With Nutrients.
Potatoes are an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals.

One medium baked potato (6.1 ounces or 173 grams), including the skin, provides:

• Calories: 161.
• Fat: 0.2 grams.
• Protein: 4.3 grams.
• Carbs: 36.6 grams.
• Fiber: 3.8 grams.
• Vitamin C: 28% of the RDI.
• Vitamin B6: 27% of the RDI.
• Potassium: 26% of the RDI.
• Manganese: 19% of the RDI.
• Magnesium: 12% of the RDI.
• Phosphorus: 12% of the RDI.
• Niacin: 12% of the RDI.
• Folate: 12% of the RDI.

The nutritional content of potatoes can vary depending on the variety and how they are prepared. For example, frying potatoes adds more calories and fat than baking them.

It’s also important to note the skin of the potatoes contains a great amount of the vitamins and minerals. Peeling potatoes can significantly reduce their nutritional content.

2. Contain Antioxidants.
Potatoes are a good source of antioxidants, which may reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. However, more human-based research is required before making any recommendations.

3. May Improve Blood Sugar Control.
Potatoes contain a special type of starch known as resistant starch.

This starch is not broken down and fully absorbed by the body. Instead, it reaches the large intestine where it becomes a source of nutrients for the beneficial bacteria in your gut.

Interestingly, you can also increase the resistant starch content of potatoes. To do this, store boiled potatoes in the fridge overnight and consume them cold.

4. May Improve Digestive Health.
Resistant starch in potatoes is a source of nutrition for beneficial gut bacteria. They convert it to the short-chain fatty acid butyrate, which has been linked to reduced inflammation in the colon, improved colon defenses and a lower risk of colorectal cancer.

5. Naturally Gluten-Free.
The gluten-free diet is one of the most popular diets worldwide. It involves eliminating gluten, which is a family of proteins found in grains like spelt, wheat, barley and rye.

Most people do not experience adverse symptoms from consuming gluten.

However, people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity can experience severe discomfort when consuming foods that contain gluten. Symptoms include sharp stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, bloating and skin rashes, just to name a few.

If you follow a gluten-free diet, then you should consider adding potatoes to your diet. They are naturally gluten-free, which means they won’t trigger uncomfortable symptoms.

6. Incredibly Filling.
Aside from being nutritious, potatoes are also incredibly filling.
In fact, potatoes were rated as being seven times more filling than croissants, which were ranked as the least filling food item.

Studies have shown that potatoes are among the most filling foods. They may increase the levels of fullness hormones, such as cholecystokinin (CCK).

7. Extremely Versatile.
Not only are potatoes healthy, but they are also delicious and versatile.
Potatoes can be prepared in many ways, including boiled, baked and steamed. However, frying potatoes may dramatically increase their calorie content if you use a lot of oil.
Instead, try slicing potatoes and then roasting them in the oven with a light drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a sprinkle of rosemary.

Make sure not to remove the skin of the potatoes, as most of the nutrients are located there. This will ensure you receive the maximum amount of nutrients from the potato.

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