Microencapsulated non-China Vitamins

Most vitamins are manufactured in China. As a result, it is extremely hard to find pet vitamin supplements that have not come out of China. As a pet parent, do you trust or feed any pet food or supplement manufactured in China to your beloved friend? Don’t you think it is even more critical when it comes to vital vitamins that they are likely not getting enough from their regular foods?

Further, quite a bit of vitamins can easily get lost or degraded during manufacturing processes such as cooking, extrusion, irradiation, etc. or during transportation under adverse conditions or just when sitting in the shelves for don’t know how long. As a result, even the best of the pet foods and supplements are likely to not have enough of these critical nutrients by the time you buy and feed your four legged friend. We all know what happens when not enough of these life saving vitamins and minerals are taken in a form that is bio-available.

Microencapsulated vitamins are the best you can find anywhere. Unlike regular vitamins, they are not lost or degraded during manufacturing processes, transportation nor when the package sits in the shelves for don’t know how long. They are released only when reaching your pets’ tummy. This is to make sure your dog and cat actually gets what it is supposed to get. It is something pretty similar to extended release in the pharmaceutical drug industry that many people are quite familiar with.

As an adult, you may yourself be taking the best vitamin or mineral supplement out there. Or may be even taking a life saving extended release medicine to make sure any health issue you may have is fully under control and you keep functioning smoothly and worry free. Isn’t it time to get the best for your pet as well?

At Science4Pets, we have come up with a solution to both the issue of China manufactured vitamins and other ingredients used in pet food industry or the vitamins that get lost before actually reaching your friend. This is to ensure your friend can stay healthy and active for a long time and most likely prolong his life substantially.

We even challenge you to check how many pet products are out there that contain microencapsulated vitamins? Basically none. How many that are non-China and microencapsulated? None whatsoever to our knowledge.