How to Make Healthy Drink for Immune System # Beetroot ,Carrot And Orange Juice By recipe time

Beetroot & Carrot and orange juice is very tasty and easy to make at home. if you want to boost your immune system we recommend our viewers to drink every day one glass.
The drink helps the skin glow and also makes it spotless — so you can bid adieu to blemishes, black spots, acne or pimples and even blackheads. Vitamin A in the vegetables is known for its anti-aging properties while the beta-carotene in the carrot acts as an antioxidant which slows down the ageing of cells.
The drink helps in detoxification of vital organs and promotes blood purification which reflects on skin health and protects the skin from ageing by fighting against free radicals. It also increases the production of red blood cells, hence increasing hemoglobin levels in the body.
Beetroots and carrots together help relieve constipation by stimulating the metabolic system. The phyto-nutrients in these veggies help improve digestion due to the presence of fiber that helps keep the gut healthy.