How To Boost Your Immunity To Fight Against Coronavirus|20 Foods (Diet Chart) to increase Immunity

Greek Physician Hippocrates was among the pioneer advocates of the use of food as health-boosters He immortalized the concept in his historic words:
“Let your food be your medicine.” – Hippocrates
In humans, coronaviruses are included in the spectrum of viruses that cause the common cold and, recently, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Emerging infectious diseases, such as SARS present a major threat to public health. The novel coronavirus has spread rapidly to multiple countries has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is usually caused a virus to which most probably the people with low immunity response are being affected. Plant-based foods increased the intestinal beneficial bacteria which are helpful and make up of 85% of the immune system. By the use of plenty of water, minerals like magnesium and Zinc, micronutrients, herbs, food rich in vitamins C, D and E, and better life style one can promote the health and can overcome this infection. Various studies investigated that a powerful antioxidant glutathione and a bioflavonoid quercetin may prevent various infections including COVID-19. The plant-based foods play a vital role to enhance the immunity of people to control of COVID-19 are a rich source of vitamin C. This vitamin is honed for its immunity-boosting abilities since it helps our body produce white blood cells. These cells are the sentinels of our internal environment – they combat pathogens and prevent diseases.
Stress negatively alters the immune system responses within the body. Stepping away from the media and TV is also very important in letting one’s mind distress from the world a bit. Try limiting yourself to about an hour in the morning and at night to just catch up and see if there are any important changes. Sleep, a huge influence on the immune system, gives the body an opportunity to heal and rest, especially in critical illnesses. Furthermore, sleep was considered extremely important by doctors in the recovery of their patients during the Spanish Flu Pandemic
Exercising helps raise the levels of white blood cells and antibodies that fight off infections. Exercise is especially important after a critical illness to improve muscle mass, strength, and resiliency. Exercise can also help with the prevention of blood clots, which have been a symptom for some people who contracted COVID-19. Eating a well-balanced, healthy diet and staying away from processed junk food is very important to maintain overall health, as well as to support immune functions. Eat as much fresh produce as possible, but if it is not in season or hard to find then the next best thing is fermented or frozen. These items are normally picked at the peak of the season and then frozen or fermented straight away, also, make sure to eat sufficient protein.
Following are some foods to increase immunity
Spinach is a miracle plant. Not only does it pack a heavy punch of vitamin C, but it is also loaded with antioxidant compounds that are quintessential for our well-being.
Almonds contain an appreciable amount of Vitamin E, which just like C is a major immunity booster compound. Although the latter tends to steal the spotlight, the former is no sense inferior.
Natural Anti-virus Foods: Tulsi leaves, star anise (a spice), garlic, and ginger are some of the natural anti-virus food items which gives protection from seasonal flu as well. For boosting immunity and flushing out toxins, Ms Batra suggests a Tulsi drink which can simply be made by boiling three to four leaves in water.
‘You can also take three to four pieces of star anise, give it two to three boils and have it warm. You can have ginger and amla juice. You can also have garlic; take one garlic clove, mash it, and expose it to air for five minutes so that its compound called allicin which has potent medicinal properties gets activated and then have it’,
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