Vitamin D Deficiency, Symptoms, Sources, Vitamin D supplement, Vitamin D ki Kami kaise door kare.

How to Overcome Vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D functions as a hormone, as it can be synthesized in skin by action of sunlight. It is transported through blood to target organs like bones, intestine etc

Role of Vitamin D: It is a fat soluble vitamin, helps in absorption of CALCIUM and PHOSPHORUS. Without Vitamin D body cannot use CALCIUM, which is required for normal growth and development of bones and teeth. Studies have shown that it plays important role in prevention of diseases such as Multiple sclerosis, Cardiovascular diseases & it also Boosts Immunity and mental health. People with low Vitamin D levels are more prone to acute upper respiratory tract infections.

SOURCES of Vitamin D: 90% source for Vitamin D is SUN. Vitamin D is formed in skin by action of UVB rays. Only 10% of Vitamin D is obtained through Dietary Sources.

Symptoms of Deficiency:
Feeling Tired or Fatigued, Bone pains & Lower Backache, Muscular weakness, Rickets in Children (delayed milestones, bowlegs), Osteomalacia in Adults, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infection.

Causes of Deficiency:
Inadequate exposure to sunlight due to use of sunscreen, staying indoors etc. Chronic liver and kidney disease, Old age, Gastrointestinal disease.

How to diagnose Vitamin D deficiency?
Answer: Get your Serum 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D tested.

Vitamin D Supplement Dosage: For your exact dosage requirements always consult your Physician; prolonged intake can cause toxicity.

How to take Vitamin D supplement?
Answer: Take during day time with a glass of full fat milk or take it after a meal for better absorption. It should not be taken at night or empty stomach

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