Game-Changing Fitness Advice From 10 Of The World’s Top Experts

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On this episode you will learn:
* The definition of eccentric training, and how to take advantage of its benefits.
* What movement hygiene is.
* The difference between flexibility and mobility.
* What you can learn from videoing your workouts.
* Why you have to earn the right to do certain exercises.
* The brain benefits of working out.
* Simple exercises you can incorporate into your routine for improved brain function.
* How many days per week you should incorporate HIIT.
* What muscular compensations are, and how they occur.
* The importance of moving your body functionally.
* Why simple habits like rest and stretching can improve your body composition.
* The power of basic bodyweight movements.
* How to get an effective core workout at your desk.
What progressive overload is, and how it can help you get stronger.
How the concept of mechanotransduction works.
The importance of finding your tribe.

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