ASMR- 8 Blocks of Chalkness Monster Gym Chalk Crumble & Powder Play

#ASMR #GymChalk #Tingles #Triggers #ChalknessMonster #Chalkness #Relaxation #StressRelief #AnxietyRelief #SleepAid #Sleep #Aid #Calm #Zen #Powder #PowderPlay #White #Blocks #Nature #Trees #ScenicRoutes #Sky #Crunchies #Chunchy #Crumbles #Senses #Sounds #Crispy #Love #Summer

Hi everyone!!! I missed my plain Jane gym chalks soooo much!!! I was soo excited when I got some more Chalkness Monster, since it was kind of hard to get for a while. So I decided to do the whole package and as usual, some of the blocks just never want to stay in tact upon opening, however some of them managed to sustain. I will say though, this CM felt a little different than other ones I have gotten, and what I will say is, I noticed that many of the same brands I get rarely feel exactly like its last batch. There is always a slight variation on the blocks, at least that is what I sense when I am crumbling. BUT I still always enjoy Chalkness Monster. There is a crispiness even though it already fell apart and this particular batch was a bit grainier than usual I feel. I can literally feel it on my fingertips. It had a sand like feel but soft powder in essence. I really missed playing with powder. This is my first crushing since everything has happened and my right hand was not used to it HAHAHHA I had to stop a few times, I was like WHOA… sooo funny!!! BUT overall, it was soo pleasing and enjoyable. I was like being back in a moment of zen and getting lost in my thoughts just crumbling away. Complete therapy that I needed. So calming!!💙💙💙

Audio Only: 9:39
Pic: I have taken this back road picture before, but on another part of the street and in a different season. Since it is Summer the trees are in full bloom and look so beautiful with their leaves and greenery hovering over the block as if to protect it and show it’s ownership. I love how statuesque they stand and grand they look. During the sun setting hours, the light glistens in between the leaves leaving a golden yellow hue that is so mesmerizing…. there is a moment during the morning sunrise where it has the same effect, just on the opposite side…. it amazes me that certain times of the day, can easily feel like another… some mornings can feel like evenings and dusk can be reminiscent of a sunrise!💛🧡

NATIONAL HOLIDAYS!!!! (Gosh I missed these! My daily dose of history)

Get to Know Your Customer Day (let’s be honest lol they don’t want to get to know me in a store, they want to rid of me as fast as they can lol )
Guinea Pig Appreciation Day (Aww my little cousin had one growing up and she named him fudge and he would go on his little wheel in the middle of the night and it made the craziest squeaking noises lol)
Hot Dog Night (OMG I love Hot Dogs with so many toppings, I can’t help myself lol)
National Corn Fritters Day (Yumm can’t say I ever had one)
National Fresh Spinach Day (YES!! I need more “green leafy vegetables)
National Personal Chef’s Day – (July 16 and February 26) (I love to cook soo much and do it almost every day for my meals. It gives me soo much solace and these past few weeks, when I was not crumbling I found cooking just as therapeutic)
National Stress Awareness Day – July 16, 2020 (This is usually April 16th, the Day after Income Tax Pay Day. Due to Covid-19, Income Tax Pay Day was postponed until July 15, 2020, so this day was also adjusted to the day after) WE NEED TO HAVE LESS STRESS IN LIFE!!! I find even breathing exercises for a few seconds make such a difference!
World Snake Day (one of my ex’s had a snake, named Snake.. so original lol and I hated when he had to feed it UUGHH.. not fun)

So how all of you holding up? I hope staying as positive as you can. The weather has been lovely lately which is a nice change and to be outside feels good with some Vitamin D. Also, my parent’s pool has been in full cooperation and in use, which is helping to be active. I find it to be a great way to expel any extra energy I have. My husband jokes that I have a bee in my butt! lol I am always on the go and can never feel fully relaxed, I am always thinking of something to do, clean, cook and I have to say… the past few weeks, knowing I was very limited with what I can do, was the first time, I felt truly relaxed in a long time. Well in any case… I hope you are all enjoying Summer and finding ways to keep yourself busy and active. I hope you are all still be considerate of others as well as your own health and maintaining social distance and wearing a mask. Despite certain reports.. these two actions really do decrease chances of the spread of this awful virus. I hope you are kind to yourself as well. Take it day by day and we will continue to get through this together!

Thank you all for your continued support and love! I really appreciate this little community and am so grateful for it, more than you will even know.

Sending you all so many blessings in this life!

PS. so happy to get my nails done after so long, my “me” time💙