COVID19 Stress & Immunity

Serenity in the Time of Pandemic
How To Stay Calm in the Face of Uncertainty
Stress & Immunity: The Case for Calm

We’ve entered an unprecedented time that many of us in our lifetimes have never witnessed. Only those old enough to have experienced World War II will have any experience of a country and world under siege and in deep existential crisis.

Without doubt, the mass hysteria and mix of real and fake news will send many of us reeling, unsure of what to believe, what to think, and how to act. Many people will have their stress dial stuck on 10, with thoughts and actions driven by a basic need for survival. When this happens the higher thinking centres of the brain go offline as fight or flight kicks-in. This is why we witness people behaving in way that can seem deeply out of character. Panic buying, arguments, aggression are all driven by a body and brain that is firmly in survival mode.