A quick gym tour | What I eat after workout | protein rich breakfast vlog | by Food Fitness Health

Here is my new vlog with another healthy breakfast recipe with eggs, spinet and zucchini.
Proteins are the building blocks of life and a single egg contains about 6.3 grams of high-quality protein. The main functions of proteins in the body are to build, strengthen and repair or replace things, such as tissue and muscles.
Eggs provide us with very high quality protein that contains all nine essential amino acids in the right amounts needed by the body for optimum growth and maintenance. Some other foods contain proportionately more protein than eggs but it’s the quality of the protein in eggs that really stands out.
Spinach is a rich source of Vitamin K which helps in promoting a the production of a protein called Osteocalc in that is responsible for stabilizing calcium in the bones. In addition to being rich in vitamin K, spinach is also a great source of calcium and vitamin D, dietary fibre, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C, all of which are important nutrients that are good for bone health.
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Healthy tips
eggs omelet
eggs spinet omelet
protein rich breakfast
low calorie breakfast
eggs health benefits
breakfast ideas by food fitness health
how to make healthy breakfast
eat healthy
weight loss with eggs
Food fitness health youtube channel
how to make omelette with less oil
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