Preventing Aging Immune Systems

As we get older our immune system ages too. It’s called Immunosenescence and it’s older folks get sick more often than younger people. Here are several easy things you can do to help your immune system from getting old and senile as you grow older.
#immunebooster #supplementclarity #antiaging

V8 Juice Review:

No hype. No spin. Here, I share over 25 years of knowledge about supplements, health, rhabdomyolysis (rhabdo), and wellness.

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Stuff I like:
Aged garlic extract
Best Blender on Earth
Best Juicer on Earth

Things used to make this video:
1 Lot’s of work
2 This editing software:
3 This Microphone:

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I’m not a doctor, pharmacist, or dietitian. Always talk to your doctor about the supplements and health actions you are considering.

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