Our Immune System can defeat Corona Virus | Don't be Panic for Corona | Dr. Muhammad Naveed

The coronavirus, or COVID-19, is inciting panic for a number of reasons. It’s a new virus, meaning no one has immunity, and there is no vaccine. Its novelty means that scientists aren’t sure yet how it behaves — they have little history to go on.

Measures are being taken that are unprecedented in recent history: schools are closing, sports teams aren’t playing, vacations are canceled, family gatherings rescheduled. Although these preventative actions are for good reason, they can also partly explain why people are getting worried. “It’s human to be anxious. At the same time, there are lots of reasons not to be scared. Be reasonable and be cautious, but don’t be frightened.”

Create a new routine. If you’re stuck at home with the kids, that doesn’t mean you can’t go outside. Take a walk, go for a bike ride. Staying cooped up inside the house isn’t good for you. “Don’t be afraid to do things that are low-contact, enjoyable, and healthful. Occupy your mind with relaxing hobbies. Whether you play the piano, read a book, paint, play a board game or meditate, all of these activities can help calm your mind and prevent you from reaching for your phone or computer and falling into a downward spiral of despair.
#ImmuneSystem #Pandemics #Don’t be Panic