Prevent and Fight Corona Virus Covid19 – Immune System

These are 10 ten tips to help keep yourself heaIthy and in turn boosting your immune system. I am not a doctor or a medical professional.

The Coronavirus / Covid-19 is a highly contagious virus. It seems to have worse affects on those with weaker immune systems.

So we should keep our immune systems strong by staying healthy . We then can have a better chance to recover from Covid 19 and other viruses and diseases.
Try an Immune Boosting Green Smoothie;

Are you Vegan? Interested in becoming Vegetarian or Vegan?
You can learn more. Here are some documentaries to get you started.
Forks over knives:

What the Health:


Land of Hope and Glory(The hidden truth behind UK animal farming):

For me number one is The Animals. Like most people I call myself an animal lover.
Animals are like us, they live , they feel, they love, to be kind to animals is to firstly not eat them!

If you want to see more about me and what my “day job is” you can follow me here also: