Skincare : 15 Healthy Foods for Glowing skin | Top foods for skin glowing | Super Foods

Why foods for skin glowing?
Good nutrition is key to healthy skin. So, choose more nutritious foods for glowing skin.
Let’s deep dive…
There are plenty of nutrients available for glowing skin but following 3 major vitamins are essential.
Vit- A
vitamin A plays an essential role in reducing the development of skin-cancer cells. plenty of beta-carotene and antioxidant helps to prevent overproduction of cells in the skin’s outer layer.
Vit- C
Helps to promote collagen production which is essential for skin structure. Studies say regular intake of Vit-C protects the skin against UV light.
Anti-oxidants rich these vitamin helps to anti-aging and youthful skin tone.

The following list of fruits is rich in these vitamins promote to glowing skin.

1. Water
2. Papaya
3. Carrot
4. Strawberry
5. Blueberry
6. Tomato
7. Musk melon
8. Yellow pepper
9. Walnut
10. Coconut Water
11. Cucumber
12. Beetroot
13. Pumpkin seeds
14. Sweet potato
15. Ginger