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The COVID – 19 virus is dangerous mainly because of its uncontrollable replications.
The protein which causes this is the COVID-19 Mpro protein.
Once the replication of the virus is blocked, the Covid-19 virus can no longer multiply.
When that happens, the virus responds better to current modalities that are being administered.

Shreepad Shree Vallabh, SSV Phytopharmaceuticals and its collaboration with Rukhmini Enterprises for sales and marketing under the brand name”CUREQOVITA”, have been successful in identifying these molecules from natural products.
These molecules possess a potent activity which can block the Mpro protein.
Two such molecules are Curcumin (Tetrahydro) and Vitamin K2-7.

In silico studies, it has been observed that both these molecules possess the potent activity required to block this protein.
A research paper on this topic has also been published in the reputed journal, ‘Nature’. (Preventive Strategies for Management of COVID-19 Using Natural Molecules)

A clinical study of the CurvicTM formulation comprising of the above two ingredients has been conducted with COVID-19 patients who were symptomatic positive, at Nifad medical hospital, government hospitals in Maharashtra. The Trial is CTRI registered (CTRI/2020/04/024659). Primary outcome of the trial was to assess the improvement in ambulatory patients who are assessed daily for symptoms which include cough, fever with or without chills and difficulty in breathing. Secondary outcome was to assess the levels of Pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6, which is considered as potential biomarkers in COVID-19 cases, which indicative of the immunity.

The results of this study showed a substantial reduction in their existing symptoms such as cough, cold, breathlessness, and fever, within 2 days of starting treatment and showed an overall improvement within 5-7 days. It was also observed that after 14 days of medicament, patients had substantial reduction in the levels of Pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-6, suggesting that the formulation has boosted the immunity and also stopped the progression of disease further.
Given these favorable results, the company proposes to use a formulation, which combines a special form of standardized Curcumin, Vitamin K2-7, Vitamin C, and L- selenomethionine, as prophylaxis for COVID-19 outbreaks. The formulation can be taken along with the standard medicine used in the management of COVID-19.

The biggest advantage of this formulation is its bidirectional properties.
While boosting immunity, it also attacks the virus by blocking the replication protein.
It is the presence of Vitamin C which helps boosts immunity, while the curcumin acts as an antiviral agent.
By utilizing special formulation techniques — such as microencapsulation — we have been able to enhance bioavailability.
This has resulted in better efficiency.

This formulation is now available, at the doorstep in India, in a tablet form and needs to be administered twice a day for quarantined or affected subjects along with the standard care of medicine and/or as per the direction of the health care professional. Ideally formulation should be taken along with the food.
For the general population, it is recommended that the tablet can be taken once a day for prevention or for immunity boosting.