Dr Brad COVID19 Update April 8th 2020– Numbers, Masks, Symptoms, Testing, Supplements, QA

Dr.Bradly Jacobs provides current information on the COVID19 virus and suggests methods to reduce exposure and provides self-care initiatives at the early onset of the virus. He explains the type of tests and what they mean when testing for the virus.
Outline and time bookmarks:

— Overview of the Talk

— @3 minute — HUMAN KIND NOW

Announcement of newly formed 501c3 Human Kind Now – procuring PPE for frontline healthcare workers

— @5 minute — STATISTICS

The Numbers – predicted/actual,

— Effect of Social distancing – lessons from 1918 pandemic, doubling rates

— @minute 11:30 – MASKS

Should we wear masks ?

— Facial barriers – effect of homemade v surgical mask v N95 , pros/cons
— protecting yourself, protecting others

— (@minute 17)- SYMPTOMS
What symptoms to look for – why a cough?, physiology of pneumonia (alveoli, fluids etc.)

– confusion due to conflicting messages e..g Chris Cuomo story
When and Why do I need to use the oxygen concentration machine?
– @minute 23’20” – TESTING

Update on PCR testing- diagnose acute disease
Update on Antibody testing- Immunity, Test characteristics – Can i believe the test result?

Dietary Supplements for Prevention and at onset of Early Infection

-Preventing viral replication: astragalus, quercetin, vitamin D, Zinc,

Prevention by reducing NFkB and NLRP3 inflammasome: Vitamin C, Melatonin

Reducing NLRP3 inflammasone: Plant flavonoid, garlic, EGCG, Mushrooms, Curcurmin

– @ minute 45′ – QA
Blood donations – packed RBC, plasma

Convalescent serum treatment

Wim Hoff

Breathing techniques explained and being touted on social media- UK doctors/nurses, Chris Cuomo