Global Update, Wednesday 13th May

COVID – 19, Wednesday 13th May


Wuhan 35 days with no community transmission

Wuhan new cluster, 6 cases

Testing 1m people per day in Wuhan

Testing all 11 m people

14 new cases in NW China


Cases, 227,741

Deaths, 32,769

England trickling back to work

Social distancing

Spend time outside

Meet one other person

Walk, cycle to work

Face masks encouraged

Population, 5, 440, 000

Cases, 13,921

Deaths, 3,213 up to May 10th

43% of COVID deaths in care homes

Scotland week 19, (4th to 10th May)

91% of COVID deaths in April had at least one pre-existing condition

Dementia, 31%
Ischaemic heart disease, 13%

Total deaths in week 19 = 1,434

400 more than the average for the week

96 % of these 400 deaths were COVID related

245 less excess deaths than week 18

Week 19, 57% of COVID deaths occurred in care homes

76% of total COVID deaths were in the over 75s

South America
More cases of dengue fever

Cases, 31,721

Deaths, 335

Santiago, health system may collapse

Weeks away from the peak
Cases, 1,370,016

Deaths, 82,389

Dr. Fauci;

Death toll actually higher

People died at home

Reopening could cause a spike in cases

Might trigger an outbreak that could not be controlled

Leading to more suffering and death

May set the economy back

A bridge too far to expect vaccines or therapeutics in time for fall semester

NBC, 72% surge in COVID cases in some areas, Central City Kentucky, Nashville Tennessee, Des Moines Iowa

CDC has not yet released detailed guidance on reopening

Dr Redfield from CDC releasing guidance soon

Paediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome

CDC preparing a release on COVID in children

Abdominal pain
Organ involvement, heart, kidneys

Cases suspected in 14 states

100 cases in NY
0 – 1 5
1 – 4 18
5 – 9 29
10-14 28
15-19 16
20 – 21 4

3 deaths