Top 5 Supplements for Muscle Growth

Here is my Top 5 supplement List. Being 15 years in this industry, I have listed down all my experience on what works and what doesn’t.

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FitMuscleTV is a health and Fitness channel. Through FitMuscleTV we aim to break the myths of Fitness and Bodybuilding and provide true Knowledge to people which Fitness Guru’s have been hiding till now.

Started By Gaurav Taneja. Gaurav is a International Certified Nutritionist and a Personal Trainer and a National level professional Bodybuilder. He has written many articles/blogs over a period of time which has been appreciated for its content and TRUTH.

Gaurav is a graduate from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology,Kharagpur. Graduated in 2008, he has been closely involved with Health and Fitness since 2002.

Gaurav is also a Professional Pilot. He is a Captain with one of the major airlines in India.