An Apple is an Edible Fruit Produced by an Apple Tree.

An apple is an edible fruit produced by an apple tree (Malus domestica).

Apples contain a high amount of vitamin C.
This is a powerful natural antioxidant that can help boost your body’s
resistance to both infectious agents and damage caused by free radicals.
Each time you eat an apple, you’ll get a healthy dose of this important vitamin.

B-complex vitamins are also found in apples.
This includes riboflavin, thiamin and vitamin B-6,
all of which are essential in maintaining red blood cells and
keeping your nervous system strong and healthy.

Apples include vitamin K as well. This vitamin helps to make proteins,
which strengthens your bones and encourages normal blood clotting.

Vitamin E is found in smaller amounts in apples compared to these other vitamins.
However, this vitamin does contribute to healthier skin and a stronger immune system.

Nutrients Your Body Needs
Besides providing the incredible nutritional content described above,
apples have also been linked to a number of amazing health benefits. For example,
studies have linked eating apples to better neurological health,
which may help to prevent neurogenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.
Another study found that people who ate more apples had a lower risk of thrombotic stroke.

References​​ :

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