Nutrition – the third medicine by Dr. Jean Seignalet (pronounce it "Shon Saynyalay")

In this video I try to give an overview of Dr. Seignalet’s 700 page doorstep of a book. (The last edition appeared around the time that Seignalet died in 2002).Not an easy task!

Hopefully this will interest an English language publisher and I can put them in touch with the Seignalet family who can sell them the rights to have it translated and published in English so you no longer have to rely on my interpretation of it.

In my videos I will give you my version of the Seignalet diet brought up to date with the latest research. For example in the last 10 years we (by we I mean medical researchers – I am just a lowly health nut) have learned what a huge role vitamin d plays in disease. Something that the medical profession is desperate to keep us from finding out about. They want to persuade us that just a few stray rays of UVB will automatically give us Melanoma. See my series of 10 videos “The real truth about tanning”

Pubmed is a medical database which shows every article published in a medical journal going back to 1900. On pubmed I looked up all the diseases listed in Seignalet’s results tables and for every single disease, vitamin d deficiency was implicated. So why take useless drugs that will only make your condition worse? Just get enough vitamin d from supplementation or the sun or a tanning bed and the chances are that your disease will go into remission. I’m pretty sure that it will if you follow the Seignalet diet as well.

Am I practicing medicine here? No! I’m giving you advice for the restoration of health. “It may help”. God forbid that I should keep you from taking your statins or your Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatories and when they stop working your corticosteroids and when they stop working your immune suppressants.